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Econometric Society Summer School in Dynamic Structural Econometrics: Market Design

August 15, 2022 - August 20, 2022


The 2022 Econometric Society DSE summer school consists of 4 days of lectures held in conjunction with the Dynamic Structural Econometrics Conference 2022 (August 19-20, 2022). The summer school and the conference are hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The conference brings together top junior and senior researchers from the field to discuss recent advances in theoretical and applied work.

Summer School Agenda

Conference Agenda

The primary focus of DSE summer schools is to provide early-stage PhD students with the tools to carry out research in the rapidly developing area of empirical market design with a strong emphasis on closely integrating economic and econometric theory in empirical work. The school covers the theoretical and methodological foundations in market design, the state-of-the-art methods for estimating models that are fundamental in this literature and providing an overview of open questions. We will use a variety of empirical applications to illustrate how these tools and methods are combined to address important applied questions.

Lecturers of the summer school and invited conference speakers include:

  • Nikhil Agarwal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • Fedor Iskhakov (Australian National University)
  • Irene Lo (Stanford University)
  • Victoria Marone (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Robert A. Miller (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Whitney Newey (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • Ariel Pakes (Harvard University)
  • Parag Pathak (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • John Rust (Georgetown University)
  • Bertel Schjerning (University of Copenhagen)
  • Paulo Somaini (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
  • Daniel Waldinger (New York University)
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